We have just enroled four more of our students at the GTTI, The Gambian Technical Training Institute - Sainy, Sanna, Lamin B Jammeh and Yankuba. They will be joining Seedy Dembo Jammeh who is about to start his second year of training as an electrician. We wish them all congratulations on being being accepted at the GTTI, and look forward to seeing them again on our next visit at the end of November.
Fatou has done exceptionally well in her exams and is now in Grade 12, she has ambitions to be a journalist. She is a very determined young lady and works hard, we wish her well.
We now have our next two trips to The Gambia booked, 28th Nov - 12th Dec 2011, and also 2nd Feb - 24th Feb 2012.
There is a lot of work done by Sankung in making sure all our students (we have 34 currently) are enroled in their appropriate schools and grades, uniforms made, text books purchased, any transport arrangements made, school fees paid, etc etc. But once they are all settled in their new school year, then plans are going to be made to have a roof put on the compound we have built in Busumbala this Autumn. We look forward to getting this progressed with the hope of Sankung and family being able to move in next Spring, along with any students needing accomodation.
New school uniforms are being made for the Si-Kunda Nursery School children, and I am pleased to say that three of the ladies who have had training at the Skills Centre are helping to make them.