Wednesday 4 January 2012


This is for all of our regular sponsors - just so that you are aware …. We have had problems with our bank, they have decided (without telling us) to close business to all trustee accounts. It was not until after many phone calls and visits to the bank that we found out why we were having problems with online banking and new investors donations. Fortunately, we believe we have not lost any donations and we have been assured that is the case, but we do need to open another account to take over all our accounts. This means of course we will be sending out forms with the new account details which will need signing to enable this to happen. Meanwhile we have it confirmed that the old account will remain open until all transactions can be transferred. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and hope you will understand and return to us the signed forms in the stamped addressed envelopes that we will send to you in due course There are many other charitable accounts that must be having the same issues, and we just hope that we can get this sorted as quickly and seamlessly as possible. We have been told that we are getting some compensation for all the hassle it has caused us, so for that at least we are pleased.

Please be assured that all our monthly donations are being recieved with no problems.
