The ladies of Sikunda are very busy in the Friendship Gardens and the skills centre now that they no longer have to be working in the rice fields again this year. All of the school supplies sent in the September shipment have now been delivered to Toniataba, Pakalinding, Fonkoi Kunda, Jiffen and Sikunda schools. Supplies for the hospital and Red Cross will be delivered when we arrive as they have specifically requested. Metal shelving and a cupboard are currently being made for Toniataba nursery class. Cassava and groundnuts have been harvested from the Sikunda village school garden, and proceeds from the surplus sold is being kept for the school fund.
Only four weeks until we fly out to The Gambia!
Marje is still busy making all sorts of jams, chutneys, jellies, etc and putting all the proceeds into the charity fund. Keep jamming Marje! Anyone interested in buying some home produce, please give her a call! (contact details on the website)
I need more jam jars desperately!!