Everything is going well with progress of the land in Busumbala and we will be sending out our next newsletter next month!
Lucky me.....I have been asked to crew on "True Colours" again, sailing from St. Martins in the Caribbean to England, via the Azores.. I am flying out on June 11th to join Fiona and Dave on their 35' yacht. After having sailed from East to West with them in 2008, I am now really looking forward to doing the return journey, there will be four of us on board this time. It will take a bit longer as it is further, and also we will have a stop for a few days in the Azores, to stock up and replenish! It will take approx 20 -24 days for the first leg, and approx 10-14 days for the second. About 3,300 miles in all, give or take a bit!
So I will be looking forward to getting the latest updates from Sankung when I return, though Marje will be keeping in regular contact with him while I am gone and ensuring that everything is progressing.
Have a great Trip, will be thinking of you all the way! love Marje and Gary