Well after a wonderful month in The Gambia the updates are now on our 'Projects' page for 2011.
We have had a very good few weeks since our return as we have had presentations to do which include The Red Cross at Irchester who support us so well. We have received some very generous donations, one of which from the Rotary Club of Bletchley who have supported us for many years now, we had a very enjoyable lunch and gave a presentation which was received well.
We had a very successful sale at BarclayCard in Northampton organised by Dave; which Marje, Anne and I also attended. It was extremely well supported and a very enjoyable day for us.
The BonusBall is continuing to run which also helps a lot with raising funds for our projects.
BeeKeeping training is starting today, we have two men from the village attending in a small town called Lamin, and they will bring their skills back to the village to start a new enterprise. So this is great news!
We installed windows into one classroom last week in Toniataba school to increase the ventilation and provide enough light. We intend to do two further classrooms very soon.
Marje is going to have a garden fete on 21st May if any of you live near enough to Rushden, Northants to attend, you wil be very welcome, please put the date in your diary!
We want to update some more of the website and provide some video clips, plus
More updates soon, many thanks for all your support .............Sue
I enjoyed helping with the sale at Barclaycard, Northampton very much and really appreciated the enthusiasum and support that everyone at Barclaycard showed us. It would be great to do this again.