Monday 21 May 2012

Sankung and Oumie's Garden Party!
What a wonderful day we had, the rain kept off, Sankung and Oumie from The Gambia were our guests of honour, and Sankung kept busy making Ataya tea for everyone. So many of you came who have supported our charity for all these years, and it was great for Sankung and Oumie to meet you all. Oumie had helped me make the chicken yassa Gambian style the day before so along with that and the great barbeque cooked up by Mark, with Les toiling away in the kitchen making sure everything was ready in time for our meal at 4pm, it all went well. At the same time we have raised a lot of funds as well, the grand total will be announced on the website in a few days. We will have photographs and a write up in the July newsletter.

We had so much help without which we couldn't have done it, all the trustees and committee members and families, and to name just a few Les and Kate, Richard and Myra, and Daisy my eight yr old granddaughter was a little star running the Treasure Hunt stall and collecting money for us, and I know Aiden Fran's grandson was helping too, thankyou so much to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. It was indeed a great day had by all, even the weather didn't dampen our spirits!! Thank you again to all our sponsors.
